jueves, 22 de julio de 2010


Just some pictures of me "trying" different poses, notice that i said trying because i know they kind of look alike, but anyway..
here they are, *loved the fur coat:)
Oh yes, and my look of the day, wich was totally spontaneous, because i left home in pants because i was going to the gym , and throw some clothes for today in a packpack, when it was time for me to change clothes, i didnt have shirt so i took a friends shirt and used i as some kind of dress , a belt and a nice coat! and voila!

Sólo algunas fotos mias "tratando" poses diferentes , observen que dije tratando porque se que se parecen, pero de todas maneras aqui estan ..
me encanto el abrigo! Ah si mi look del día, que fue totalmente espontaneo ya que tenia un poco de todo mi mochila del gimnasio, menos una camisa que entonces le tuve que pedir a un amigo y termino siendo mi vestido, con un cinturon y voila!


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